Website Downtime

Website Downtime / Unavailability:

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by the recent downtime of this Website, due to long overdue maintenance actions.
In addition, there may be times during the next few weeks that it will also be offline whilst certain aspects of the site are upgraded / updated.

IMPORTANT:  Please note that the correct Domain Name for this site is  , or URL . This ensures you get a connected to secure pages which display the padlock symbol in the address bar.

Please make sure that when accessing the site, or if linking to it from other Sites or Social Media that you use the https:  in the address and not http:
Using the http address may result in an insecure connection.

The WBK website does not store, contain or share any sensitive data of it’s members and as a matter of good practice, has an SSL Certificate enabled on it.



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