Dan Grading – Nov 24th

Many Congratulations to the four successful candidates who passed their Dan Gradings on Sunday morning. Your hard work and determination has paid off. From the beginning of the process to what the panel witnessed during the grading, was night and day – the progression has been superb! You have all listened to the advice given by your instructors and taken on board so much over the past months, saving your best karate for the day. Well Done!

The new WBK Dan Grades:
Corey John – 1st Dan
Ollie Breeze – 1st Dan
Oliver Williams – 1st Dan
Harri Lewis – 1st Dan

A huge thank you to Joanne and Richard being blocks partners!
Thank you to all spectators that attended the grading. We hope you all enjoyed and appreciated the quality of karate produced by the WBK. A massive thank you to all instructors for your coaching, dedication and support.
A final message to our new Dan Grades – now the real work starts and your journey has just begun!
Congratulations once again.

Dan Grade Panel:
Morgan Phillips 3rd Dan, Dave Jowett 4th Dan, Jordan Hopkins 4th Dan, Anthony Bridge 4th Dan,
Paul Bridge 6th Dan & Mark Coleman 4th Dan

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