WKL 5 Report

WKL 5 Results

A massive well done to the WBK Squad today. Some excellent bouts and above all your etiquette was impeccable. When the results don’t go our way – we respect it, learn from it and move on. Your discipline and attitude is more measurable than any medal achieved.
Coaches from other associations commented on many occasions today on our fighters etiquette and attitude which was exemplary.
Well done to our students who didn’t make the medals today, great effort and keep up the hard work:
Alby O’Flynn
Oli Bate
Royce James
Osian Hawkins-Jones – First competition
Dylan Ayres
Olivia Jones
Ilau Stephens
Daniel Pallant
Sean O’Brien

Congratulations to our Medallists
Freddy Lane Silver: Under 12 Boys Novice
Harri Lewis Bronze: Under 12 Boys Advanced
Riley Ayres Bronze: Under 14 Boys Advanced
Cassie Davies Silver: Under 14 Girls Advanced
Ruby Davies Bronze: Under 18 Female
Silver: Senior Female
Richard Evans Silver: Male Veterans

Thank you to all parents and family that came to support the squad and to the coaches and assistants. Thank you to Tom Morgan coming up to support his team mates and helping the coaches out.
More tournaments are available over the coming weeks. Also, Gradings, Course and additional training are all happening over the next few months. Busy time ahead.

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