Brown Belt Grading Oct 20th

Congratulations to all students who successfully passed their Brown Belt Grades this passed weekend. Also, well done to Oliver Williams for attending the course as prep for future Dan Grading.
Some students displayed excellent karate today, some others with areas to improve. Keep up the hard work and take on board the instructors feedback in the last weeks assessment and at todays event.
Thank you to the candidates families and friends for your support. Finally, many thanks to Grade Examiners Anthony Bridge, Grant Hole, Morgan Phillips and Jordan Hopkins for conducting the course & grading.

3rd Kyu – Brown Belt
Harley Young
Chloe Lane
Arianna Thisby
Harri Waters
Daniel White
Darren Hawkins-Jones

2nd Kyu – Brown Belt
Finley Williams
Ollie Giles
Jessica Lewis

1st Kyu – Brown Belt
Ava Gregory
Amahrae Evans
Gareth Williams

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